Third-Party Integrations

Slack Integration


SourceForge integrates with Slack so that you can get notified in real time about new customer reviews, or get your Buyer Intent data delivered to you automatically via Slack.

The SourceForge Slack integration is available to all SourceForge customers, but only customers on the SourceForge Premium plan or above will get full intent data reports. Customers on the SourceForge Plus plan can integrate with Slack to get limited intent data reports and notifications of new customer reviews.

Setting up the integration between Slack and SourceForge is simple. Once you have it set up, you can get newly published customer review notifications sent directly to the Slack channel(s) of your choice.

First, navigate to the "Integrations" tab in the left side menu of your SourceForge admin section. Then, click the "Set Up" button next to Slack.

Authenticate Slack

To begin the SourceForge to Slack integration implementation, simply click the "Authenticate" button.

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Authenticate your Slack access by logging in with your Slack credentials when prompted. Select "Allow" when prompted to finish authenticating.

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Now, your company's Slack is now connected to SourceForge.

The next step is to configure which type of notifications you'll receive in the Slack channel of your choice.

New User Review Notifications

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That's it! Now you'll receive notifications about new user reviews directly to the Slack channel of your choice. They'll look like this:

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Buyer Intent Digest Notifications

Get your Buyer Intent data automatically sent to you on Slack. To set up automatic Buyer Intent Data Slack notifications to you or anyone in your company, first make sure you have authenticated Slack with SourceForge via the steps above.

Then, turn on the Buyer Intent Data Notifications Integration switch:

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Then, click Add a new notification.

A box will pop up where you can enter the name of your notification, select the Slack channel in your company Slack that the notification should be sent to, and select how often you want to receive the Buyer Intent Data report (Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly). You can also choose to get all of your Buyer Intent Data, or create a Segment so you'll only receive company intent data based on the filters you choose.

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This will set up a Slack message that will be delivered automatically at a regular interval that contains a CSV file of all the companies in your Buyer Intent report.

You can choose to get your Buyer Intent Slacked to you daily, weekly, bi-weekly (every two weeks), or monthly. Since this message goes to a Slack channel, you can also have other people in your company join this Slack channel to view the Buyer Intent Data report.

After you set up the Buyer Intent Digest Slack notification, you will receive the first report within 24 hours, and then on the same day for each interval you selected (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).

This is what the message will look like:

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